2 Multi-Generational Services
2 Multi-Generational Services. 1 Church.
Why Are We Going This Direction?
We believe that part of being a Christian is loving others like God does (1 John 4:19), and when we love others like God does that compels us to preach the gospel (2 Corinthians 5:14-15). We believe that God in his grace, and for our good, calls us to preach the gospel (Mark 16:15), but He will build his church no matter what (Matthew 16:18).
We believe that as we live in obedience to preach the gospel, God works & people are saved in his power (John 6:44), and then they are to be baptized as believers, added to the local church (Acts 2:41) and discipled (Matthew 28:20).
God is working powerfully in Muskoka. People are being saved through his power and this has given us an incredible problem: Too many people are coming to church - praise God! We are not in a place to plant a church so this leads us to the solution above, 2 Multi-generational services with Kids Ministry at both. This allows us to create room for God to continue to add people to the local church at Calvary (Acts 2:41) and it also allows us to be multi-generational in worship - which we believe is God’s design for the Church (Titus 2).
Moving to 2 multi-generational services does come with a cost. We believe the cost is definitely worth it - allowing more people to hear the gospel and be added to the church, and to organize ourselves in a way that is obedient to God’s Word - but there is still a cost.
Therefore we must count the cost of following Jesus (Luke 14:25-33), and live sacrificially for the good of the church (Romans 12:1), for the sake of the gospel (Romans 9:1-5) and ultimately for the glory of God (1 Peter 4:11)