Starting in 2025, our Bible reading plan will be the RMM 2-year Bible Reading Plan, Carson version, which will take us through the entire Bible in two years, reading the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice.
Our hope is that the whole congregation will follow this reading plan together, so that we can go deeper in our walk with Christ as a community. Click on the link below to download the whole reading plan, or see the readings for each week in the weekly Newsletter.
In addition, if you would like support in understanding what you’re reading, we have included two resources below. “Bible Talk” is a podcast from 9Marks featuring conversations about the Bible and Biblical Theology; and “Into the Word” is a podcast from Paul Carter.. Both of these podcasts cover a number of books of the Bible, chapter by chapter, so that you can select specific portions that relate to the part of the plan you’re working on.
Want to know what to expect if you participate in a Bible Reading Plan? Read some thoughts by John Piper here.