We are on mission for Christ but we are not called to live for Christ alone. He created the Church, to live in community with one another and live on mission together. Calvary Women's Ministry exists to equip, encourage, challenge and exhort the women of our local church, all for the glory of God.
Practically this looks like gathering monthly to build friendships with one another, worship together and continue to grow in our faith as we pray that our God may make the women of Calvary worthy of his calling.
You are invited, welcome and wanted! The Church is better when we are united as one, using our gifting to build up the body of Christ and showing the world the hope we have in Jesus.
This month’s gathering will be a special Christmas Party on Monday, December 5th, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.. All women are invited to come to sing Christmas songs, and eat delicious treats! (Please bring an appetizer or dessert for our potluck.) No registration is necessary - invite your neighbours!