Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction,
and don’t reject your mother’s teaching,
for they will be a garland of favor on your head and pendants around your neck.
My son, if sinners entice you, don’t be persuaded.
— Proverbs 1:8-10


This is the prayer of us as parents. That we would give Godly instruction to our kids and that our kids would not be enticed by sin but would choose to love and follow the Lord.

Now let’s follow that up with something shocking…the goal of this course is not to give you all of the answers. I wish I could. I really do.

In so many ways you know much more about parenting teens than I do because you are in it right now. You are living something I have yet to do. But the thing that God has blessed me with is a heart for youth, a heart to support parents, a heart for God’s Word and the blessing of a different perspective as I have worked with youth in a variety of ways for the past 14 years.

That is what I am hoping to bring to you. I can’t promise to bring you perfect answers but I can promise to bring perspectives and ideas and observations rooted in God’s Word. I want to put these in front of you so you can pray about them and sift through them with your spouse and talk about them with your teen. We all want to follow God’s word. But practically how that is put into practice is different for every family. Some ideas will work for your family. Some won’t. And that is ok.

We all know that parenting is not one size fits all. We also know how serious a calling it is from God to be a parent and we all have the desire to be Godly parents. We also all feel the reality that parenting teens (perhaps more than any other stage) is possibly the most sanctifying experience of your life.

So don’t try to do it alone. Let’s come together to talk, discuss, learn and pray that our teens would grow up to be men and women after God’s own heart.


The goal is to make things as easy as possible for you as parents. We 100% appreciate how busy you are right now.

How Long is the Course & What are the dates?

It runs for 3 weeks. April 25th, May 2nd & May 9th

When Does it Run?

It runs during Youth on the Monday’s listed above from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Your youth will be upstairs and we will be in the basement. This is a great way to pass the awkward time between drop off and pick up.

What if I’m not a parent of Youth?

If you are not a parent of someone of youth age you are still more than welcome to attend.

Maybe you are a grandparent who wants to better understand what youth are going through or wants some additional knowledge or perspectives to be able to offer advice to your own kids who are raising youth. Join us!

Or maybe you will have youth aged children in a couple of years and you want to start preparing yourself and your parenting techniques now for what you will face in a couple of years. We would love to have you!


Please make sure you register by using the link at the bottom of the page so we know how many people to prepare for.


If you have more questions please feel free to email


Session 1: Discipling Youth

Module 1: What is in their suitcase? 

Module 2: A Biblical View of Parenting 

Module 3: Why Youth Stay In Church When They Grow Up 

Module 4: Teach Your Teen To Read Their Bible 

Module 5: Teach Your Teen To Pray 

Session 2: What The Stats Say & WHat to Do about it

Module 1: Survey Review: Calvary Youth

Module 2: The Stats Are Sobering 

Module 3: Live for Christ Both With and Without Your Teen

Module 4: Pray For Your Teen  

Module 5: Teach Teens the Why

Module 6: Listening Well

Module 7: Get Comfortable Consulting


Session 3: Media, Dating & Raising an Alien

Module 1: Media.Faith.Culture. - The Disconnect

Module 2: So You Say You Want to Date…

Module 3: Raising an Alien