Dream Big
Come and join us for a night where talk about our dreams for what Calvary Youth could look like in both the present and the future. We want to get your input, your feedback and then we want to put all of our dreams in God’s hands and ask him to take Calvary Youth where he wants us to go.
Here is the question you need to consider when bringing your ideas:
How does your idea help us accomplish our vision & mission?
To See Lives Transformed By Christ
Deep In Christ. Authentic Faith. Make Disciples.
And as with all good brain storming sessions..we need food. So we will have free pizza for you to eat as we talk and plan and dream and pray.
Can’t wait to see you there.
Sr. High
7:30 - Hangout
7:45 - Dream Big - Dream + Pray + Pizza
8:00 - Worship & Annoucements (Combined w Jr. High)
8:30 - Dream Big Night Continued
9:00 - Games
9:30 - End of Night
Jr. High
6:30 - Hangout & Tuck Shop
6:45 - Dream Big - Dream + Pray + Pizza
7:30 - Games
8:00 - Worship & Annoucements (Combined w Sr. High)
8:30 - Pick Up