YOUTH ONline SUMMER Bible Study
Why should you do this Bible Study? We would strongly encourage you to do this Bible Study because as a follower of Christ, it is incredibly important for you to stay in God’s word and keep learning about Him even throughout the summer.
What will the Bible Study be about? This summer we will dive into the book of Genesis and explore the crazy Biblical connections that start at the very beginning of the world, throughout the Old Testament, to Jesus’ time on earth, and even into our lives today! Our hope is that you will come out of the Study with a deeper understanding of Genesis and a greater love of learning about God’s word.
What will the Bible Study look like day to day? Every day that you do the study, you will always start with reading or listening to one chapter out of Genesis. After you have read or listened to the entire chapter, you will answer questions about observations, interpretation of the chapter, and then some practical questions about your own life.
What are the Logistics? The Bible Study will run for 9 weeks, starting from July 1st to August 30th. The study runs for 5 days a week, so you will have the weekends off. Out of the 9 weeks, you will be granted 1 week off in case of vacations, camping, etc.
How does the marking work? This is not schoolwork, and so you will not be marked on your grammar or spelling. The only reason that there is marking is to make sure that you have read the Scripture, and have a basic understanding of what it means. For some of the questions, there is no right or wrong answer; for others questions, you will have to determine certain details that were conveyed in the text. At the end of every week, Javan will email you with your results and answer any questions or thoughts that you may have come across during your study.
What is the reward? Our desire is for each of you to have your own passion for God’s word. The ‘reward’ is really to celebrate your commitment to the study, and express an appreciation for your desire to learn more about God by participating. Unless you receive less than 60% overall, you will receive an Amazon gift card upon conclusion of the study.