We are offering two 7-week courses designed to help you go deeper in your faith. Please read the course descriptions below and register for the course you are most interested in taking. Our prayer is that these courses would be both an encouragement in your walk with Christ and also challenge you and help you to grow in your faith. We have designed these courses to be accessible to all age demographics both in content, learning level and in practice.
“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”
What night are the courses running on?
The courses will be running on Wednesday nights.
What are the start & end dates?
These courses will be running April 2nd - May 14th, 2025. Please note, the Psalms 101 course will be cancelled on May 7th as Dave Barker is unavailable that evening.
What is the start & end time?
Coffee will be available at 6:15pm and the courses will start at 6:30pm sharp & end at 7:30pm sharp.
What commitment level is expected of me?
Please plan to attend at least 5 of the 7 weeks if you register. Also some courses will have a homework component to them.
Where will these courses be held?
Psalms 101 will be held in the church sanctuary and simultaneously, Biblical Counselling 101 will be held at 150 Royal Street.
Will there be childcare?
We will have limited childcare available on a first come, first served basis through registration (i.e. the first 20 children to register will have spot). Childcare will be available for kids 18months through grade 5. We apologize that our spaces are limited due to the size of our facility so please explore alternative arrangements first if you have them available to you. If you do register your children please ensure you are committed to coming very consistently. Once the spaces are filled we will open up a waitlist.
If you have an infant you are welcome to have them join you in the course.
Is there a cost for these courses?
There is no cost. They are free!
Can I register for both courses?
Unfortunately you are only able to register for one course as they will be running simultaneously.
Course offerings
As the people of faith in a confused world of triumph and tragedy, luxury and poverty, and civility and abuse, we not only need to hear a word from our God, but we also need to learn how to express our deepest hearts to our God. The Book of Psalms wonderfully provides that vehicle for learning. From the heights of the ecstasies of joy to the despair of the darkest pain, these songs and prayers express the full gamut of human response to God and his dealings in our world, and come to us as God’s Word to us. Their power and impact come from reading, speaking, and hearing them as fellow pilgrims who share common experiences as the people of God.
Our course in the psalms will include expositions of selected psalms, how the Book of Psalms came into our hands, and the various kinds of psalms we use as we enter the throne-room of the King. We will engage the prayers and songs of believing pilgrims of the past in order to learn how to weep, sing, and pray today.
biblical counselling 101: instruments in the redeemer’s hand
Josh Dufresne - Pastor of Congregational Care, Calvary Gravenhurst
In his book, Instrument in the Redeemer's Hands, Paul Tripp writes, “Many of us would be relieved if God had placed our sanctification in the hands of trained and paid professionals, but that simply is not the biblical model. God’s plan is that through faithful ministry of every [member], the whole body will grow to full maturity in Christ . . . All of his children are called into [the personal] ministry [of the word], and each of them needs the daily intervention this ministry provides.” 1
Biblical Counseling 101 will be a condensed study of Paul Tripp’s ministry training resource “Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands: How to Help Others Change.” This course is designed to help us grow in our calling as ministers of the Gospel and its power to transform our lives together as we speak the truth in love to one another. You will be better equipped to build meaningful relationships where you can know others, speak the truth in love, and apply the Gospel to everyday life. Following each session you will be given homework reflections to help you apply what you are learning into your daily life.
Pastor Josh will be condensing the material of the book to make it fit within the Go Deep course schedule and will not be following its weekly lesson plan. Therefore, you are encouraged, but not required to purchase a copy of Instruments in the Redeemers Hands: How to Help Others Change - Study Guide. However, if you have a copy it will allow you to dig deeper into the material and have it as an ongoing resource. (See the links below)
Amazon - Instruments in the Redeemers Hand Study Guide
Christianbook - Instruments in the Redeemers Hand Study Guide
1 Paul Tripp, Instruments in the Redeemers Hands, (P&R Publishing: Phillipsburg, NJ, 2002),xi.