Welcome to our end of the year finale!
Rides. Food. Friends. Good times. This is a jammed packed day full of all of those things and so much more.
Youth will travel around in groups, with leaders that will be organized based on the kind of rides you like. Maybe you are all about the big roller coasters…we have a group for you. Maybe you are into medium rollercoasters and other thrill rides without the intensity of the huge ones..we have a group for you. Maybe you are more into some of the other attractions at Canada’s Wonderland like bumper cars…we have a group for you too!
Due to logistical difficulty we will not be going to the waterpark. Also due to logistical difficulty you will NOT be able to switch groups once we are inside the park. So please co-ordinate with your friends before you register.
Here is the plan for food. Please plan to pack a lunch that can be eaten on the way to the park. Please also plan to bring either money for supper or pack supper that can be left in the vehicle as well. We will leave the park around supper to grab food either packed in vehicles or there are also cost effective options across the street from Canada’s Wonderland to choose from as well. We will also plan to stop for a quick snack at an ON Route on the way home so bring money for that as well if you would like.
We will meet at the church at 9am to leave at 9:15am. We will arrive around 10:45am & spend the day riding rides in our groups. Then at 8:00pm we will head home. Pick up will be at approximately 10pm @ the church. Youth will be reminded to update parents of their approximate arrival time for pick up by text.
Things to Pack:
Please ensure that you also bring sunscreen & extra water as we want to avoid sunburns and dehydration. Also please ensure you dress accordingly for the weather.
Calvary Youth Parent Consent Form:
In order to participate in this event you are required to have filled out the Parent Consent Form for 2022-2023 for EACH youth participating. This is our general form with all the information we require to keep your youth safe that was sent in an email a few months ago. If you are unsure if you have filled out this form you can search your email history as you would have received a confirmation email from breeze (our software system). If you need to fill out the form you can do so here.
The cost of the event is $45 per person. Payments will be processed online through the registration link. (We are using a new payment processor so if you encounter problems with your payment please email mark@calvarygravenhurst.com)